As pet owners we know how extraordinary the love of a pet can be. In many cases pets are our kids - they are real family members. On some days, you may even love your pets better than your human family. Boy, do we hear you!
With all that being said and honestly speaking, we know how hard it can be to leave a pet alone at home - while you're at work or when you'll be on the road for business or pleasure. The constant wondering and worrying is absolutely distracting! Absences from home can be even harder when you have a senior dog that just doesn't get around as well as he use to and certainly doesn't have that bladder of steel anymore. Maybe you have a growing puppy who spends time in a crate and needs a break half way through the day to romp in the yard, sniff a little of this and pee on all of that.
Ma & Pa Fur offers peace of mind services that have been created to help
canines, birds, fish, little furries and even hugely independent felines
get more TLC when the ones they love (you) can't be there. As pet
owners we take animals very seriously! We want you to know that your
pets will be just as special to us as they are to you - like extended
family members we're excited to see each day!
~ Ronda and Geoff Saunders, Owners.
Pet Taxi Service, Dog Walking, Hikes, Senior & Puppy Services, Cat & Kitten, Dog & Puppy at Home Care, Small Animals, Birds & Fish.
NO breed discrimination !! FREE Consultation !! Create a customized package to fit every pet's needs. Bonded and Insured. Certified in pet first aid and CPR.
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